2 March 2014

Robot Costume

Here's a robot costume for kids to make and wear
-Card board tray
-Box lid (I used the lid from an A4 paper box but a shoe box lid would be fine, too)
-2 toilet/kitchen roll tubes
-Egg box
-'Prittstick' glue, scissors, permanent pen, stapler, tape
-Coloured card
-Old CD and split pin (optional)
*The boxes and card trays can vary with what you have available but the basic idea is the same

Stage 1
-Cut box lid a third of the way down and cut a mouth from the smaller part
-Cut 2 eyeholes into the larger part of the lid. You'll need to place it on head to find the right position
-Cut the length of 2 toilet/kitchen rolls
-Cut 2 egg parts from an egg carton

Stage 2
-Use 'Prittstick' glue to attach foil to the 2 parts of the box lid
(Put glue on the card and then wrap and fold foil around, similar to gift-wrapping. Easy but use  scissors to cut the foil so it doesn't rip)
-Make a hole where the eyes are and fold around
-Apply the same method to the card tray,  2 card rolls and 2 egg parts of egg carton

Stage 3
-Tape on the egg cartons onto the sides of larger part of lid 'head'
-Staple the 2 parts of the lid together, with the smaller part slightly jutting out
-Staple elastic to the sides of the 'head' and top of the tray to loop around neck

Stage 4
-Decorate the front of the tray.
 ...You could use 'On/Off' buttons and a CD and arrow to point to different actions. (Attach the CD by sticking a small circle of card to the middle of the CD, make a small central hole and attach all to the card tray with a split pin)

Loop the tray around neck, put on the arm parts (rolls), tie elastic to secure lid around head
You could use this to practice verbs and directions (walk, dance, left, right, etc). Or just robot dance!

Here are some photos from a robot craft session. We revised verbs, made a mini-pelmanism game with robot actions, designed the robot controls, made the costume and danced a bit too...

1 comment:

  1. Robot Costume. Here's a robot costume for kids to make and wear. Materials -Card board tray -Box lid (I used the lid from an A4 paper box but ... irobotcostume.blogspot.com
