12 January 2025

Wind Spinner

Here's how to make a Wind Spinner
This is an easy and effective craft project.
There's also a classroom version featuring weather vocabulary and a stencil provided.
Check out other Summer craft projects on this blog, too!
-Coloured (a lighter colour is best) A4 paper/White A4 paper
-Drawing pin
-Pencil or coloured pencil for the post/handle
-Scissors, 'Prittstick' glue, sharp pencil, rubber/blu-tac, coloured pens
-Circular stickers (optional)
Stencil provided:

Stage 1
-Fold A4 paper from one corner to the edge diagonally, to make a square
-Draw along the edge of the folded paper
-Cut off the excess
Stage 2
-Fold the card diagonally in the other direction so you can find the exact centre of the square
-Cut along the folds (about 2 thirds of the way) but not to the central point
-Make a hole in the centre and on one corner of the folded parts (use a sharp pencil and rubber or piece of blu-tac for this)
Stage 3
-Decorate! You could do this on one or both sides of the paper
I've used stickers but you can use crayons/coloured pencils if you are using lighter-coloured paper See ideas at the end of the instructions to decorate with vocabulary
Stage 4
-Take one corner and bend towards the middle to line up the holes
-Glue the corner down
-Repeat with the other 3 corners so they are glued together in the centre
Stage 5
-Use a drawing pin to push through all 5 holes
-Push into a pencil (just under the pointed lead part of the pencil)
...The spinner will now spin as because the corners were glued flat together it allows space to turn
And that's it!

Use for classroom vocabulary 
...Colour dictation with white circular stickers before making spinner
or with weather vocabulay 'It's windy', 'It's sunny', etc as part of the decoration
Check out other Summer crafts on 'craft with jack'
Flowers -http://craftwithjack.blogspot.com.es/2013/03/spring-flower-display.html
Sunglasses -http://craftwithjack.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/sunglasses.html
Fan - http://craftwithjack.blogspot.com.es/2013/04/feria-fan.html
Rainbow -Under construction

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