16 January 2025

Sun Mosaic

Here's a great project which can be based on Summer themes or all year round.
An enjoyable (and time-consuming) project which can be adapted to all levels and ages.
You could use paint but coloured/board pens work well too. Good for colour vocabulary.

-Paper plate
-Basic stencil
-Coloured pens or paint
-Off-cuts of paper/magazines/wrapping paper, etc. (some metallic wrapping paper works well)
-Pritt stick
Stage 1
-Draw basic image on paper plate ...Could be a sun, flower, etc.
-Colour or paint outside of the image
Stage 2
-Use brightly-coloured or metallic paper to edge the design. Cut into strips, then small squares.
-Apply pritt stick on the areas needed and stick the small squares on.
Note: Work on the darker or more distinctive parts first.
Stage 3
-Cut more squares out of a lighter-coloured paper and stick on.

That's it!
Younger children/students may need the paper plate stencil drawn and paper cut up for them but it takes some time for them to create their design ...with good results.

Here are some photos taken from a craft session for younger children using board pens and pritt stick

For other ideas, see

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