29 March 2021

Fish Mosaic

Here's a mosaic project featuring a fish theme
A great craft project which could be based on many themes. Easier to make than it looks. Good for colour vocabulary too.
Based on mosaic craft ideas

-Card tray (or you could use a piece of thick A4 card)
-Materials to make the mosaic from -coloured paper, magazines, wrapping paper, etc
-Glue ('Pritt-stick' is ideal)
-Paint and brush
-Stencil (if being made by several students
Stage 1
-Decide on design
(I used a fish theme but other good ideas are a sun, a flower ..or something simple where you can add extra detail)
-Paint the tray on the underside (colour depending on the theme)
...Or you could leave  the tray white/use the upper side of a metallic card tray

Stage 2
-Draw a basic image on the underside of the card tray
(You could do this free-hand or use a stencil if making several pieces)
-Once the basic image is drawn on, add a little detail in lines to follow the form of the image
(with the fish image, I drew on the eye, gills and fins...but not too much detail is needed, only 3/4 lines)
Stage 3
-Cut strips of coloured paper/old magazines into strips
Stage 4
-Choose 1 or 2 of the darker-coloured or more vibrant-coloured strips
-Following the lines of the basic design, put glue on the area to work on
-Cut the strips into sections to make square shapes.I worked with 2 strips of paper at a time.
-Attach the squares of paper to the tray (a quick method is to wet your finger to pick up the square and put in place)
-Decorate the rest of the space with different coloured material and same technique
-Add any extra detail (eg bubbles for the fish) on the rest of the tray

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