14 January 2025

Valentine's Day Cards -Easy Ideas

Here are some simple and effective ideas for Valentine's Day Cards 

Here are a few easy Valentine's Day Card Ideas 
-or check out metallic card designs Craft with Jack: Handmade Cards -Metallic Designs


-Cut out a heart template by folding a piece of card in half and cutting half a heart shape (so it's symmetrical)
-Remove the heart shape and use the outside of the template.
-Place over the front of  a piece of folded light-coloured card
-Using a red/pink/purple pen or crayon, scribble over the template
-Draw a frame around the card front in the same colour and add message
-Fold piece of card in half
-Make a heart template by folding more card in half and drawing/cutting half a heart shape
-Place on the front of the card so the heart design is quite near the bottom of the card
-Draw and cut out, using a vertical cut from the bottom or the card (you could pierce and cut but this method is easier)
-Glue decorative paper/material behind the front of the card to display heart-shaped design
-Add extra detail and message

-Cut a heart shape from card
-Use white circular stickers to decorate. You could use colour/number dictation for this in the classroom ('Colour line 1 pink, Colour line 2 red...' etc)
-Stick on to folded card -You could stick wrapping paper/foil on first



-Fold card in half
-Cut out a heart shape from different-coloured card. Make this bigger than the front of the folded card
-Decorate with shiny ribbon/tape
-Stick on and add message
-Use a long, rectangular piece of card and a heart shape as a template
-Measure the half way point on the rectangular piece of card in pencil 
Don't draw in pen or fold it as it will crease the heart design
-Draw a heart shape in the middle of the halfway line 
-Cut along one side of the halfway line and along the top of the heart design, not cutting the other side of the halfway line
-Fold rectangular card in half, leaving the heart shape unfolded
-Tape the cut along the fold, together again
-Decorate and add message
-For a less-romantic card, use a heart or circular shape to make a monster design
(Idea inspired by  http://www.makeandtakes.com/)
-Add a circular white sticker for the eye
-Decorate, add arms/legs and add message
Or try making a pop-up Valentine's Card